Friday, July 5, 2019

Fifty Shades of Jonée (6/24/19)

If the cover of the program can be believed, this was the farewell Gay Pride performance of drag queen pianist extraordinaire, Jacqueline Jonée. She was joined by the JouJou Jacquettes Philharmonic Orchestra—Violin, Viola, Cello, Flutes, Clarinet, and French Horn—as well as two backup singers. There was no printed program of what we would hear, so my notes are just my best guesses.

As has often happened in past performances, Ms. Jonée made her entrance from the back of the house, this year carrying a huge bouquet of balloons, including a gold ‘5’ and a gold ‘0’, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. The performance kicked off with A Little Mozart (Mostly), Rondo alla Turca, which is actually the third and final movement of Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 11. In Ms. Jonée’s nimble fingers, it was also alla Jazz, alla Honky-Tonk, and alla Boogie-Woogie, with a little bit of Für Elise thrown in for good measure. A most pleasant way to start off.

Along the way, there were costume changes and wig changes all of which were quite stunning. Other compositions announced from the stage included Duke Ellington’s Jubilee Stomp, When You Wish upon a Star, and Bei Mir Bist du Schön, with those backup boys.

The next set featured individual Jacquettes with Ms. Jonée in several songs. Clair de Lune had violin and piano while a very dramatic version of What Makes a Man a Man? featured viola and piano. Piano and flute gave us a Gymnopédie, and the backup boys were back for Your Buddy Misses You (one of Ms. Jonée’s hallmark pieces that I’ve heard, and enjoyed, several times).

Another set piece that I’ve heard before is the medley/mashup of America/Not While I’m Around/There’s a Place for Us/Somewhere, which was as effective as always. A Gershwin medley included The Man I Love, Rhapsody in Blue, Fascinatin’ Rhythm, S’Wonderful, and Strike Up the Band. Rousing stuff.

While not really a downer, the evening ended with strong performances of I Did It My Way, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien, and I’ll Be Seeing You. Alas, we may not be seeing Ms. Jonée next year (???) at Pride Week but she most certainly did this one her way!

A lovely Nocturne was a quite fitting encore.


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