Sunday, October 6, 2019

Midday Masterpieces (10/2/19)

Kate Liu, piano

Mazurkas, Op. 59 – Frédéric Chopin
Arabeske, Op. 18 – Robert Schumann
Fantasie, Op. 17 – R. Schumann

I wanted to like this better than I did. Alas, that was not the case. First off, this was the first Midday Masterpieces of the new season. And Ms. Liu played well. Just … oddly. As some of you may know, I do not write reviews—I write my reactions to the free and low cost concerts I attend. Ms. Liu’s performance demeanor straddles both lines. She is a very sensitive pianist. Before beginning a piece, she … calms herself … prepares herself … and then begins. That actually carries over into her playing.

The first Chopin mazurka was gentle and almost dainty to begin with, though it did build in volume and intensity. The minor key made it seem almost maudlin, at times. The second was more cheerful. But also had a mix of delicate paired with a bit of bombast. The third, also in a minor key, was full of fire and energy. Was there a fourth? Was it just a coda to the third mazurka? I need to explore. OK, Op. 59 only has three mazurkas. The pause … before the end of the piece … confused me.

Schumann’s Arabeske began with feathery, rippling writing. There was a contrasting section with a touch of sadness that was perhaps more moody than sad, followed by a brief martial section that then seemed to segue into the Fantasie. There appeared to be a very slow introduction, followed by a section that was very powerful. Still, there were sections that were, at times, delicate and rippling at others. I did not understand how they were connected. My notes actually say that the playing (not the piece) was somewhat segmented, almost to the point of feeling scattered. I wondered to myself whether this was a series of scenes. (Nothing that I could find in quick researching.) I know you’ll find this hard to believe (not) but a PHONE rang during a very quiet section of the piece (and, yes, there was an announcement from the stage before the concert). Overall, and mostly because of the playing style, I did not get a sense of the piece as a whole.

Ms. Liu is talented but didn’t present a firm, cohesive program. Sorry for veering into review-dom.


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