Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Shakespeare in the Park (7/29/18)

No, not the famous one. Twelfth Night (sans subtitle—hey, I go with the printed program).

This was presented in Bryant Park by The Drilling Company. Presented for a larger audience than the last one I saw in Central Park, this one had more elaborate sound design, staging, and costume design than the previous one. Still, free is free!

How do I compare thee to a free Shakespeare in the Park production? This one was just as funny, featured fewer Actors' Equity performers (but got the apostrophe right), and made me remember why I came to NYC those oh-so-many years ago. There are good non-Equity actors out there. They love performing. In good productions. Yes, it's hit or miss, but that's theater.

Once again presented intermisionless, we were told that if we needed to move about, not to worry. I did, to avoid the lack of shade from time to time. The plot was very easy to follow and fun to laugh at. The open-air setting made audience laughter a little bit difficult, since the audience was spread out across the lawn and periodically seeking shade.

Still, the love duo, triangle, and double duo played out well, and Feste's "that's all one, our play is done" played out pretty well. But the Boomerang Theater wins that round (see 7/7/18 post).

For the record, I still may try to see the famous Central Park one—which is Twelfth Night!


p.s. The Drilling Company will be presenting the "Scottish" play weekends in August. Check out their website or the Bryant Park website. (Nope, I'm not going to do all of your work for you.)