Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Gerda Lissner Foundation Vocal Competition Winners Concert 2023/2024 (5/2/24)

First off, I was thrilled to be in a Carnegie Hall free concert. I didn't even have to practice! That said, I'm not a huge fan of vocal competitions (or Tonys, Oscars, etc.). I understand how they work, but the inherent ranking rubs me slightly the wrong way. Off my soap box, now.

The Lissner Foundation Concert presents Lieder/Song, Opera, Operetta, and Zarzuela winners. The program also honored Metropolitan Opera star countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo—and he performed. And we did, too. More on that later.

There were ten prize winners who performed, so I will not name them all. I know you good folks are great at internet searches. I will say that Midge Woolsey (formerly of WQXR) was a wonderful host and that Arlene Shrut was a fabulous accompanist/partner who played for every performer on the stage.

Tops for me was Maire Therese Carmack (Mezzo-Soprano) who sang Love Let the Wind Cry by Undine Smith Moore, "Lyubasha's Aria" from The Tsar's Bride, and "Du bist der Lenz" from Die Walkure.

Quite the show piece was "Al pensar en el dueño de mis amores" from Las Hijas del Zebedo, sung by Rosaria Armas. Have you guessed yet that this was the Zarzuela winner? Zarzuela is sort of like Spanish-language operetta.

The operetta winner "If I Were on the Stage (Kiss Me Again)" from Mlle. Modiste, by Victor Herbert, tugged at my heartstrings because I performed in the chorus of the operetta in the late 1970s here in NYC. Shelén Hughes (Soprano) did a great job.

Karoline Podolak (Soprano) did very well with "Je suis Tiania" from Mignon and slightly less than successful with "Glitter and Be Gay" from Candide.

My other favorite was Yeongtaek Yang (Baritone) performing "Si può? ... Si può?" from I Pagliacci.

Anthony Roth Costanzo re-created part of his Met Opera Orpheus. In the opera, the chorus shouts/sings "No" several times. He had us rehearse it and then perform it when he performed. It was effective, but wore a little bit thin. I'm not big on audience participation.

All in all, a wonderful free concert in a wonderfully historic hall. I even changed my seat before the concert began, and the staff members were extremely helpful.


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